Forums Help & support Cloud Storage Awareness

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Russell Scoates 5 days, 22 hours ago.

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  • #2919 Reply


    What does this mean with a premium subscription?

    #2920 Reply



    Cloud Storage Awareness is really just about detecting installed cloud services, creating a “My AxCrypt” folder and then designating the created folder as ‘Secured’. Since all users have a 30-day trial Premium, this does not have that much impact. However, the feature is really useful only when the folder is Secured, i.e. monitored for new files to encrypt. The Secured Folder feature is also a Premium feature.

    Best regards,


    #5853 Reply


    How do I stop AxCrypt from creating the “My AxCrypt” folder in OneDrive?  Since I run AxCrypt from multiple machines, I get sync errors about that folder all of the time

    #5854 Reply


    Hi Ted,

    It’s a limitation right now – it’ll create it if it’s not there.

    As a work-around – can you not just let it remain there, empty?

    #5875 Reply


    It appears to be a limitation in which folders the IT Security policies at work will allow OneDrive to synchronize.  I end up with a folder created at home and a different folder with the same name created at work and a sync conflict between them because I can’t keep one, synchronized folder.  I’m sure I’m a niche case.

    #5877 Reply


    Hi Ted,

    That is really strange. I have heard of similar, but not identical issues with OneDrive. It appears it’s not particularly smart about synchronization. You can’t just resolve the conflict and it works then?

    Can you perhaps send a screen shot of the OneDrive conflict message?

    #5971 Reply


    I do not want any of my Axcrypt files in OneDrive (‘the Cloud’). I only want my axcrypt files in an encrypted folder on my hard drive.

    Suggestions please.




    #5979 Reply


    Hello Peter,

    Happy to oblige! Just don’t put them in OneDrive. AxCrypt does not move anything into the cloud. It just tries to make it easy for you to have encrypted files in the cloud – should you wish so.

    #5980 Reply


    I do not want any of my Axcrypt files in OneDrive (‘the Cloud’). I only want my axcrypt files in an encrypted folder on my hard drive.

    No files are uploaded to the cloud unless you upload them.

    The Cloud Storage Awareness is there for people who choose to store their files there.

    Unless you choose to store your files in the cloud (by using your cloud provider, e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive) then the files will only be stored on your hard drive.

    #36015 Reply

    Russell Scoates



    How can I tell AxC rypt that “these folders” are cloud folders?  I have several folders that a sync’d to Google drive by a peice of software.  I have the folders set as “secure” but it still sync’s the unencrypted files to the cloud and requires me to press the encrypt button to force the encryption process.

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