Forums Help & support Axcrypt 1 password shows error in Axcrypt 2

This topic contains 4 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Pedro 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #8002 Reply


    I just downloaded Axcrypt 2 for Windows.  I had Axcrypt 1 and a good password, which I want to keep.  But when I try to sign into Axcrypt 2 with that password it says it’s the wrong password.  But it definitely is correct and I want to be able to still use it.  How can I do this?

    #8004 Reply


    But when I try to sign into Axcrypt 2 with that password it says it’s the wrong password.

    AxCrypt 2 has one password.

    When you sign up for AxCrypt 2 you need to:

    • Enter your email address
    • You’ll be sent a confirmation email
    • Set a password (and do not forget it!)

    You can use your AxCrypt 1 password, that’s fine, but to improve security AxCrypt 2 uses a Master Password concept. You have only one password.

    Any files encrypted with AxCrypt 1 can still be opened in AxCrypt 2 but you’ll need to know their password.

    Without a screenshot of your error message we can’t help you any further. There is an option to ‘reset’ your password in AxCrypt 2 but that doesn’t help you regain access to your files, it resets your Master Password so you can create a new one.

    #8005 Reply


    I’ve tried several times to paste a screen shot of the erroneous password window but it won’t.  It simply puts in my email address and asks for my password, and when I put in the password I had for the old Axcrypt version it shows a red exclamation point that opens to say it’s an incorrect password.  But it’s absolutely the old password I used in Axcrypt 1 version.  You say if I reset the password I’ll lose all the encrypted files I had in the old version?  This is terrible.  My password is correct, unless somehow Axcrypt new version changed it.  I certainly didn’t.  Please help.

    #8006 Reply


    If I uninstall the Axcrypt 2 version that I just installed, is there any way I can get the old version 1 back, along with all the encrypted files that were in it and the old password?

    #8007 Reply


    To paste a screenshot Larry, press the PrtScr button on your keyboard, press WinKey + R, type pbrush, press enter and then paste (CTRL + V) your image. Save it somewhere and then insert it on here by pressing the button indicated.

    “It simply puts in my email address and asks for my password, and when I put in the password I had for the old Axcrypt version it shows a red exclamation point that opens to say it’s an incorrect password.”

    You’re not using AxCrypt 2 correctly; Hugh gave some very clear instructions and you’ve not said if you’ve received your confirmation email? If you haven’t then this confirms that you’ve not signed up to AxCrypt 2.

    You’re welcome to use your AxCrypt 1 password with AxCrypt 2 but you must register (for free) as an AxCrypt 2 user. Then, type in your AxCrypt 1 password twice to confirm it.

    You say if I reset the password I’ll lose all the encrypted files I had in the old version?  This is terrible.  My password is correct, unless somehow Axcrypt new version changed it.  I certainly didn’t.  

    What Hugh said was that you’ll lose access to the files if you’ve forgotten your old password. That’s the only reason why you’d need to ‘Reset’ your password. If you later remember your old password then you’d be able to access the old files.

    AxCrypt 2 hasn’t changed anything. AxCrypt is encryption; AxCrypt doesn’t know your password and obviously cannot change something it doesn’t know. Thousands of people use AxCrypt without difficulty.

    I suspect what has happened is that you’ve failed to sign up to AxCrypt 2 based on the new information you’ve now provided.

    If I uninstall the Axcrypt 2 version that I just installed, is there any way I can get the old version 1 back, along with all the encrypted files that were in it and the old password?


    If you’ve forgotten your password (you say you haven’t) then your files are lost forever.

    Try the instructions above and sign up to AxCrypt 2 using your old AxCrypt 1 password.

    If you’re still having difficulties you must upload a screenshot.

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