Forums Help & support Decrypting .axx file that was encrypted with different password

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 5 years ago.

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  • #13596 Reply


    I’m evaluating the functionality of AxCrypt and I ran into the following scenario:
    1. Create two copies of the same file
    2. Encrypt the first copy using the online password
    3. Change the onlilne password
    4. Encrypt the second copy using the new online password
    I expected that I won’t be able to decrypt the first copy because it was encrypted by the old password. However, I can decrypt both copies of the file.
    Please explain this behavior.
    Thank you.

    #13599 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Alex,

    When the user changes the password on the website, the private key is re-encrypted with the new password.

    When you change (not reset) your password for your AxCrypt ID account, *all* files previously encrypted with that AxCrypt ID account will automatically open with the new changed password.

    When the user then sign-ins with the app, the local encrypted copy of the private key is updated with the new encrypted version from the server.

    You can check the difference between the Password reset and change here:   .

    Please note: Password reset and password change are not same .

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