Forums Help & support encrypt copy to .exe

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 5 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #13506 Reply

    Raymond Cheung

    Dear Axcrypt expertise,

    As I know , there is a feature “encrypt copy to .exe” in old version. Can I use this feature in version 2.1.1573.0 ?

    How can I do it ?

    Why we need this feature? Because when we save the encrypted file (*.axx)  to file server, our file server will treat the file with .axx as a Ransomware and not allow to save it in the server. The only way to overcome it is to encrypt it to .exe.


    Raymond Cheung



    #13515 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Raymond,

    Please avoid sending a same query in different mediums. You may get duplicate response.

    AxCrypt 1.x can create self decryptable .exe files. Due to some security issues, AxCrypt 2.x do not support that features. For more info, Please refer the blog:

    AxCrypt 2.x is not a ransomware generating software and it’s a file encryption software.

    Instead of using AxCrypt 1.x self decryptable .exe files, we can use the stand alone version of the AxCrypt app which does not required the installation process.

    You can download the AxCrypt to run it temporarily without installing using our portable(stand-alone) version, here: .

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