Forums Bugs & issues Excel doesn't open and AxCrypt asking permanently for passwords

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Azhaguraja B 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #10898 Reply


    After clicking on Excel or Word document for the first time, I receive the password window for entering the password.

    After having entered the password, nothing happens.

    I click the second time on the Excel or Word file and AxCrypt opens a second password window.

    After entering the second time the password, it gives an error message saying that I already entered the PW.

    All this happened today after the program update.


    #10906 Reply

    Azhaguraja B

    Hello Georges,

    AxCrypt will allow the users to decrypt the encrypted file with the original password which is used for encryption.

    If the file was encrypted with a different password than your sign in password, then you have to enter the file password while viewing/decrypting the encrypted file.

    While viewing the encrypted file (having different password than your sign in password), you have to enter the file password. If you enter the AxCrypt account password instead of file password, then you will get the alert message like “You are already logged in with this password! “. So you need to enter the file password.

    For Example: Try to encrypt a file with your AxCrypt password and then reset your AxCrypt account password using Reset Password Feature. Now if you open the encrypted file, you will be prompted for enter the file password (which is used for encryption of the file).

    So the encrypted files before password resetting, holding the old password. Now you have to enter the old password to decrypt/open the AxCrypt encrypted files which are all encrypted before the password reset.

    Newly encrypted files after resetting, holding the new password. So You can open/decrypt the newly encrypted files without entering your file password.

    Password Reset is not a way to recover encrypted files! It’s only to allow you to sign in to the AxCrypt app and web.

    AxCrypt is file encryption with no backdoor. Unfortunately, if you do not know the password for an AxCrypt-encrypted file you cannot open it, even if you can sign in to the account. This is by design. it’s just this situation that AxCrypt is made for and it works like this even if you actually are the original owner of the file

    If you think you almost know the password, we have simple software allowing you to try to find your password, and you can download the most recent version from and read of how to use it at . Please note that we cannot provide support beyond this.

    #11177 Reply

    geoffrey gearheart

    Hello there,

    I can’t open my Word doc that’s connected to AxCrypt. I used to click on AxCrypt and it used to automatically launch Word and prompt for password. Nothing now. I click on AxCrypt and nothing happens. HELP! This is the most important file in my computer!!!!!



    #11190 Reply

    Azhaguraja B

    Hello geoffrey,

    Use the unlock icon and choose the encrypted file to be opened.

    Also try to uninstall and re-install the AxCrypt app and try the same.

    If then also it is not worked, please provide more information about the issue and write a mail to

    And also try to attach the screenshots of the issue.

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