Forums Bugs & issues fichier non reconnu

This topic contains 13 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 5 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #6971 Reply


    En essayant d’ouvrir un de mes fichiers cryptés, il apparait tujours le message suivant :

    mon_fichier-xls.axx n’est pas un fichier AxCrypt

    alors qu’il a été crypté avec AxCrypt bien sûr.

    Que faire ?


    Merci de vos réponses

    #6972 Reply


    Hello Olivier,

    All AxCrypt files start with a the same unique sequence of 16 bytes. The message indicates that the file in question does not, thus it’s not an AxCrypt file – or a very broken one.

    Maybe it’s zero length, or otherwise corrupted?

    If you like, you contact our support and send the file there, and we can have a look at it.

    #6973 Reply


    I’m not the one with the problem file but I always see that the first 21 bytes are identical?

    Is it only the first 16 bytes now?

    c0 b9 07 2e 4f 93 f1 46 a0 15 79 2c a1 d9 e8 21 15 00 00 00 02

    #6974 Reply



    Il s’agit pourtant bien d’un fichier crypté avec AxCrypt, comme le montre la capture ci-dessus, mais qui n’est plus reconnu par le logiciel.


    Comment faire ?



    #6975 Reply


    Hello Olivier,

    As I said, if you like, you contact our support and send the file there, and we can have a look at it. Could you tell me more about the circumstances? I notice the file was last updated about 2 weeks ago. It also seems you’ve been using AxCrypt 2 since before then. Please let us know as much as possible about what you can recall, such as what version of AxCrypt you were using, and when you last successfully opened it.

    Hello Gupter,

    It’s only the first 16 bytes that are there to indicate that it’s an AxCrypt file. That the next 5 bytes are the same is more of a coincidence – you cannot rely on that staying the same in future versions, but you can rely on the first 16 bytes.

    #6976 Reply


    Hello Svante,


    I don’t know why but now it works ! I didn’t want to send you my file because it contains my private data.

    Thank you for your help.

    #6977 Reply


    Olivier, the file is encrypted. Obviously nobody – not even Svante – can see your private data. That’s the whole point of encryption!

    The reason he offered is to check if the file was damaged. As it’s mysteriously started working again there’s no need to send anything.

    #7243 Reply



    je rencontre de nouveau le même problème. AxCrypt ne veux plus ouvrir un de mes fichiers qu’il a crypté et le fichier a maintenant une taille de 0 Ko !

    Je suis vraiment très déçu car la précédente version du logiciel était parfaite.


    Y a-t-il un moyen de retrouver mes données ?



    #7244 Reply


    Hello Olivier,

    I am sorry to hear this, although it’s not the same problem as before. The previous issue resolved itself somehow, you said.

    This is an obviously corrupted file if it is zero length. Can you perhaps send a screen shot of the file listing in Windows Explorer to our support?

    #7245 Reply


    Je joins une capture d’écran du fichier incriminé.


    Merci de votre aide.

    #7246 Reply


    Hello Olivier,

    It seems the image did not make it. Try sending it in an email to support att axcrypt dott net .

    #7247 Reply


    Hello Svante,


    I send an email to your adress att axcrypt dott net with a sceen shot.



    #13557 Reply



    Je rencontre le même problème qu’Olivier… comment le résoudre ? C’est extrêmement embêtant !

    Merci d’avance pour vos réponses !

    #13561 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Margot,

    Please avoid sending a same query in different mediums. You may get duplicate response

    The error message indicates that the file simply is not an AxCrypt file – it checks the first 16 bytes for a unique value.

    This might be happened, because of you are trying to open/decrypt the AxCrypt secure deleted files. Those files will not be recoverable.

    Most often, this error occurs because the file is not produced by AxCrypt. It can also happen when users mistakenly rename non-AxCrypt files to end with .axx, in which case renaming back to it’s appropriate extension will fix the issue since the file was never encrypted in the first place in this scenario.

    Another scenario is that it is a left-over after a previous decryption was interrupted at the stage where the original is overwritten. The most common reason for this happening is that the file was damaged because of early removal of a USB drive, or a disconnected network drive.

    If the file is actually damaged to this extent, no, it can’t be fixed. The data is just not there to decrypt it.

    But we have a feature called Try Broken File. You can able to decrypt the corrupted AxCrypt encrypted files by navigating the menu File | Options | enable Debug from the AxCrypt app.

    Now you can able to see the Debug the menu in the AxCrypt app. From the debug menu you have to select Try Broken File.

    Now you will be prompted for file selection. Select the corrupted encrypted file and then AxCrypt will try to decrypt the file. If successfully decrypted, then you are able to see the decrypted file in the location. Otherwise sorry to say, AxCrypt can’t decrypt that file.

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