Forums Help & support Shred and Delete

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #3011 Reply


    I just upgraded from 1.7 to 2.1.
    From this page: it appears that “File Wipe” is now a premium feature.
    Does this mean that without premium, Shred and Delete, which was always free, is now unavailable?

    If yes, please reconsider, since it is unlikely that anyone will pay specifically for this feature.
    It was so convenient not to have to install another program to shred files…

    I can’t test it, because I was auto-enrolled in the 30-day free trial of premium.

    Thank you for this awesome software!

    #3012 Reply



    This is Svante from AxCrypt.

    I hear you… This makes sense, I think. I’ll discuss this with the business side of things.

    Thanks for your input. Anyone else reading this are welcome to cast their vote by posting here.

    #3858 Reply



    Is there a follow-up to the discussion you had with the business side?  Also, is there any way for a user to stop seeing that disclaimer that the action is permanent???

    Thank you!

    #3887 Reply


    Hello DeniG,

    Currently ‘shred and delete’ remains a premium feature.

    We’ll consider add a “Do not show this any more” check box to the warning. Please note that this mimics the way Windows works when you delete files permanently. You’ll always get the warning then.

    #3888 Reply


    Agreed that it mimics the way windows works, however, when I select multiple files in windows… It only warns me once and not for every file!!!

    #3889 Reply


    Hello DeniG,

    Oops – that’s wrong of course. If that’s what happens. We’re doing some higher priority stuff right now so I can’t verfiy, but I’ve added an issue so we won’t forget to check it out: .


    #4713 Reply


    Hi Svate,

    I am a big fan of AxCrypt and I have used it for several years, but the free version as I cannot afford the present cost for premium.
    I understand the limitations of ‘shred and delete’ on SSD but it is still better than not having it. I did use that feature quite often and I still miss it.
    I would be great to have that feature back for the ‘personal user’.

    #4717 Reply


    Hi Rico,

    Thanks for the feedback – we’ll see how the future looks. We’re considering other options for how to package AxCrypt, but for now it’s like it is. But the feedback is important, since it affects how we develop the product, so thanks!

    #5700 Reply


    Shred and Delete was a great feature – Please restore it to the free version.

    #5702 Reply


    Hello Hank,

    Thanks for your input!

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